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More About Something Awful

Webmaster / Founder:

Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka - Harnessing the powers of air, fire, water, and the New York Stock Exchange, Lowtax is able to summon a mighty yalp and battle evil forces, malicious hoodlums, and a mysterious bleach-like substance that smells remarkably like Tang. His sole purpose is to make light of the sheer awfulness that inhabits the Internet, so maybe other people will be warned in advance. Well, that's what he claims, but we all know he does it simply because he's got an inferiority complex and enjoys lashing out at the world.

Lowtax feels that Something Awful is one of the most upbeat, positive sites on the Internet. Why? Because it takes the utter crap and stupidity we're exposed to every day, and attempts to metamorphasize it into something amusing and entertaining. If the site succeeds in that is up to debate, but it's still a noble cause.

Tech Department:

Jeff K. - Master of the l33t haX0ring arts, Jeff K. wields a keyboard and mouse like a sword and shield. Always ready to answer the most technical of computer questions, Jeff K. is the glue that keeps Something Awful together.

Site Mascot :

Cliff Yablonski - A true legend of this era, Cliff's rapier-like wit and charming attitude has won over the hearts of millions. Cliff is happy to answer any question you might have regarding this site or his favorite paint varnish. If you're lucky, he might even not threaten to kill you. Somebody put up a fan page dedicated to him, but I'm not sure why.

Legal Issues:

Leonard Crabs, "Attorney" At Law - Leonard's "unique" style of law has won him many fictitious awards from people that never existed. He once ate an entire watermelon in one hour. For more information, check out his website.

Other Contributors:

Moltar - Various graphic design, experimental video game and movie test subject.

Jed - PSX reviews.

Bezzy - UK corespondent.



All crap copyright 1999 Lowtax's House of Chicken and Waffles