Gypsy Boys PHOTOS

Welcome behind-the-scenes on the set of "Gypsy Boys."

Left: AJ Vernet & Jorge Cordoba.
Top: With their new prize, Jud Parker.

Top: Tom McCann hams for the camera.
Right: Greg Crandall and Tom
ride into the sunrise.

Top: Director Brian Shepp sets a shot
with Greg.
Right: Greg gets all prettied up for the shot.

Left: Greg & Jorge practice their bondage.
Top: They do seem to get along...

Top: Brian watches a take as...
Right: Steve Rodriguez works his body.

Left and Top: Jud Parker and Adam Gavzer rehearsing with Brian.

Cinematographer Gary Rohan and drag persona extraordinaire Anderson Lim.

Bizarre costumes abound.

A happy set is a good set.