Hacked by TwstdPair & SugarKing, come talk to us about our uber leet defacement at #hwa-security, where we think we are better then everyone, and will call everyone mouthy, even though i (SugarKing) is the mouthy one, and me (TwstdPair) complain about how lame the chan is, so i just sit in their, and make fun of everyone, and everything someone says, we have our own private chan #normalcy, but we'd rather act all 1337 and make fun of other's who we dont know, and who are more productive then us in #hwa-security.

W3 4R3 7H3 H4CK3RZ 0F 70M0RR0W!!!

FJ33R UZ!!!!!!!
- TwstdPair & SugarKing