Dear Michael Paul & Associates,

   Recently I have been given a copy of "Satanism in America". This
book was designed to make people aware of Satanism. Although I do
not attend church (any church) I do not approve of Satanism in any
way. Reading through this book the article about Dungeons & Dragons
caught my attention. 
   I have been playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons for just over
seven years in three states now and I am truly outraged at your
article. Many of the items listed below are outright lies and I
would like to deal with each issue of the article individually to
make you aware of their presence in the game.

Demonology- In the first edition of the Advanced Dungeons and
Dragons books, demons are presented. In most cases, less than 5% of
players had any involvement with a demon. A possible adventure for
some characters was to spend their characters life trying to rid
the world of a particular demon. The act of studying demons and
worshipping a demon is practically non-existent in AD&D as far as
I have seen. When a demon worshipper was introduced he/she was put
in as a foe to kill. In the Old Testament, the Devil is a shatan,
the Hebrew word for 'Opponent'. In AD&D, every demon I have
encountered is just that, an opponent.

Witchcraft- A witch in Dungeons and Dragons is simply an old hag
who possesses no magical power and is very superstitious.
Witchcraft is not in the game either. The only mention of a witch
having true magical power is in an issue of Dragon Magazine.If your
article was referring to the casting of spells I will explain that

Voodoo- The religion of Voodoo has never been brought up in any
gaming session I have participated. I have heard it mentioned in
relation to the game and I have read a brief summary in one book.
Voodoo is still practiced today with no relation to satanism and in
the game it had no relation to satanism.

Murder-The definition of murder is "the taking of another's life"
in short. The whole backbone of AD&D is set in a medieval like
period. If you know about history then you should know that there
are several types of warriors and murder is part of their life.
AD&D is basically our own medieval ages with the element of magic
thrown in. In many cases players will "murder evil creatures" to
protect themselves or their loved ones. In the AD&D game they have
the following:
   Warrior- This is a person who can be evil, good, neutral,      
            lawful, or chaotic. This is basically a hired mercenary 
            who makes his living using his skill with a weapon and 
            the strength of his arm.
   Paladin- This is a Holy warrior who fights for the church. He  
            gives over 95% of his money to the church. This kind of 
            warrior is the ultimate in good and only takes a life 
            when he feels it necessary. The following is a code he 
            lives by:
                         The Paladin's Code
              -Death before dishonor.
              -Dishonor before innocents are harmed.
              -All women are to be honored.
              -Be polite and courteous even if insulted.
              -All challenges are to be met honorably.
              -Obey your religion and honor its tenets.
              -Obey the law of the land where they do not conflict 
                  with your religion.
              -Respect all opponents.
              -Avoid all excesses.
              -Care for the sick and aid the distressed.
              -Honor your liege lord and your deity.
              -Do not permit evil to do harm.
   Ranger-  A ranger is a natural woodsman and acts as the ultimate 
            protector. I have made a Code that a Ranger follows and 
            although it is not official it is what he believes in 
            and fits in with the rules outlined by the book.
                         The Ranger's Code
              -Respect nature and its course.
              -Meet all combat honorably.
              -Respect all opponents.
              -Take no life unless it can't be helped.
              -Do not permit evil to do harm.
              -Protect the innocent and the weak with your own life 
                  if need be.
              -Protect those who can't think for themselves.
              -Death before innocents are harmed.
              -Use your blades only if need be.
              -Care for sick and aid the distressed.
              -Be polite and courteous even if insulted.
              -Noble service cheerfully rendered.
              -All women are to be honored.
              -Keep a straight mind and clear head at all times.
              -Avoid excesses.
              -Honor your deity.
              -Give respect to those who do not wrong you or your 
              -Obey laws that are just and fair.
              -Respect other's beliefs if they do not conflict with 
                  your own.
              -Take advantage of no one unless in honorable combat.

   Cavalier-This warrior was taken out of the second edition      
            because they were too hard to play which led to wrong 
            ideas about the game. A cavalier is a knight with very 
            strong beliefs about chivalry and honor. They are much 
            like the Paladin but they do not always fight for the 
                        The Cavalier's Code
              -Noble service cheerfully rendered.
              -Defense of any charge unto death.
              -Courage and enterprise in obedience to rule.
              -Respect for all peers and equals.
              -Honor to all above your station.
              -Obedience and respect from all beneath your station.
              -Scorn for those who are lowly and ignoble.
              -Courtesy to all ladies.
              -War is the flowering of chivalry.
              -Battle is the test of manhood.
              -Combat is glory.
              -Personal glory above all in battle.
              -Death to all who oppose the cause.
              -Death before dishonor.

The Cavalier is an extreme compared to the others but this tells of
why they take a life.

Rape- My experience with AD&D has brought no mention of rape unless
it is used as a background for adventure. For example, "...and as
the brigands invaded the town they beat the old and raped the women
before taking the riches...the last survivor of the village ask you
and your companions to hunt down the brigands and bring them to
justice." Beyond that kind of mention it is unheard of in my

Blasphemy- Blasphemy is defined as follows, "The act of cursing or
reviling God". In the AD&D game, they purposely left out God and
mention of him. If he is not in the game in any way, how can there
be blasphemy? The only denouncing of gods is that of denouncing
other gods. If you do not believe in AD&D gods then it is not
possible to denounce them because they do not exist. 

Suicide- I hear about suicide in today's world fifty times more
than in the game. Yes, it is mentioned in the game but only by the
individual characters. The books have little or no mention of

Assassination- This is the same as murder but in a more concealed
atmosphere. I do not approve of it but it is part of reality.

Insanity- Once again it is mentioned but is described to make the
game more realistic and if a person's character goes insane the
book tells how to deal with it.

Sex- Of course AD&D tells about sex. Every game today implies sex
or sexual actions. Almost everywhere you go you will see something
that has sexual connotation. AD&D has very little sex as I have
seen so far compared to other games. I can honestly say I have
heard more mention of sex in relation to the church and the Bible
than related to AD&D. In fact, the Bible talks more about who
'begat' who than any other book I have read.

Perversion- Like sex this can be applied anywhere. Perversion is a
very vague term. Morally perverted is in the eye of the beholder.
If I believe in one thing and you believe in another then we will
think each other perverts. Sexual perversion is practically non
existent. There are cases of two races having sex but this just
shows they do not live in a world full of bigots, prejudiced
people, and racist.

Homosexuality- Not even mentioned. The word does not appear in any
book to my knowledge. I have all of the books and most of the
supplements (a total of 25+).

Prostitution- In the medieval ages there were brothels. This
equivalent of a whore house is more common in today's world. There
is no need for a character to go to one and in all of the towns I
have seen I have not seen one mentioned.

Satan Worship- This truly outrages me. Satan is not in the books
just like God isn't. He is not a major nor minor force. The arch-devils are not said to answer him. Satan is non-existent in the
game and therefore not worshipped. If an individual player
incorporates him into the game it then his responsibility and not
Dungeons and Dragons.

Gambling- Just like today gambling exists in this setting. Gambling
was usually done by the rich as a form of entertainment or done by
the unemployed trying to make money to feed a family. Gambling is
not a crime and it is up to the individual to decide how much
contact is made with it.

Jungian psychology- I had to look this up in the library to find
out what it is. If what I read is true then it is totally
irrelevant and does not exist. If it is known under another name
then I am not familiar with it.

Barbarianism- According to the Bible a barbarian is an uncivilized,
brutal man. Would you denounce another man just because he has not
had the education or guidance as you? If you answer 'yes' then you
are basically a prejudiced person who refuses to see the whole
picture. Barbarians killed to survive and feed themselves. Is this
so bad? 

Cannibalism- In 1973 survivors of a plane crash resorted to eating
their friends to survive. This incident is one more than in AD&D.
This aspect has potential to be in there but it is up to the
individual DM (dungeon master).

Sadism- Absolutely none in my seven years playing. 

Desecration- There is desecration and players do it. It is usually
done only in order to gain something that will save their lives or
aid them in their quest. Desecration occurs as much as it did in
our own history.

Demon Summoning- The art of magic allows a mage to summon demons
(as well as Holy Servants) to their own plane. This is done only
for the mage to gain knowledge that he could otherwise not gain.
Calling demons is not done often because it usually results in the
death of the mage.

Necromantics- Necromantics is one of seven divisions of magic. This
allows control over Nosferatu (also known as Undead) and the dead.
Knowledge can be gained from the dead or other services can be
obtained. A major use for necromancy is the raising of dead or
resurrection of an individual. If I am not mistaken, Jesus was

Divination- In the Bible divination is the gaining of knowledge by
seeing into the future. In AD&D it is divination through contact
with a higher power (usually a god or demi-god). Divination is the
gaining of knowledge. I see nothing wrong with obtaining knowledge.

   Spellcraft in the game of AD&D is not witchcraft. The authors of
the game created world(s) that had magic fields. A mage (also known
as: sorcerer, necromancer, diviner, invoker, enchanter, conjurer,
abjurer, alterer, illusionist, transmuter, or a specialist) has the
ability to use arcane words and gestures to tap the energy found in
that field. Magic could be used to do almost anything from
protecting to attacking.
   I realize that I am not the only one who plays the game and
there are many others that I can not speak for but playing for
seven years in three states I have seen little or no signs of many
of the above topics. While you fault the game for these topics you
are blaming the innocent creators of the game. The individuals who
play the game make it what they want. If I play I do not use most
of the above topics. If a satan worshipper plays he may use all of
the above. If so then it is not the game's fault but the
individuals who play that can hold the blame. On this same page you
quote Dr. Gary North from his book entitled 'Dare Call It
Withcraft'. I have looked in a total of eight bookstores and a
college library and I can not find it. I think it better that you
quote from a source that can be found a little more easily. If you
could please tell me where I could find this book I would
appreciate it very much. I respectfully ask that in future
printings of this work and like works that you reconsider and do
not put another such article in your magazine. To show how I feel
about your article I am going to write a similar article. The
following is just to stir the feelings in you as they did me. I do
not believe the following in any way.

   The Bible talks about torture, magic , barbarianism ,
conjuration (Familiar Spirit), murder, rape , blasphemy, suicide,
insanity, sex (a lot of sex), perversion,  homosexuality,
prostitution, gambling, sadism, desecration, divination,
sacrificing animals, slavery, sacrificing humans, miracle through
divine power, worshipping a god (different than believing in),
cruel and unusual punishment for small crimes, divine destruction
, extremely corrupt hospitality, and many other corrupt beliefs and
practices in living color.

   If you believe the above paragraph to be false or an unfair
representation then you know how I feel. I would really appreciate
a response to this letter stating you opinion on AD&D or any
arguments against what I have stated relating to the article you
wrote. If you do not reply I will consider it your believing me to
be right and you to stop the printing of like information about the
AD&D game. Please send any comments or a reply to:

                        (old address)

                                                (real name)