[VIM] 2006-0656 vs 2011-4711

OSF LISTS osf-lists at opensecurityfoundation.org
Wed Dec 14 02:26:32 CST 2011

Per the OSVDB/Tenable links for 2006-0656, ( http://osvdb.org/22992 /
http://www.nessus.org/plugins/index.php?view=single&id=20893 ) the issue is
caused due to Namazu.  For 2011-4711, it's mentioned that this is fixed in
2.0.16, which per Namazu's main page http://www.namazu.org/ was released on
2006-03-12 for a " Directory traversal
problem<http://www.namazu.org/security.html#dir-traversal>by lang and
result of CGI parameter is corrected."

It seems clear that 2011-4711 is in reference to the issue fixed on
2006-03-12, but is it distinct from 2006-0656?

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