[VIM] coffee maker hacks - yes or no?

bugtraq at cgisecurity.net bugtraq at cgisecurity.net
Wed Jun 18 23:20:38 UTC 2008

Think of it this way.

1. coffee maker gets hacked
2. no coffee for development
3. no coffee means sleepy devs introducing additional vulns.

This could be a national security issue so well worth including ;p

> : Regarding the Jura F90 Coffee maker hack:
> : 
> :   http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/493387
> : 
> : I'm tempted to include this in CVE, since physical damage can occur. (We 
> : used a similar rationale for an air-conditioning control system, 
> : CVE-2008-1546).
> : 
> : If no - then where's the line between coffee makers, air conditioners, 
> : and SCADA products?
> This is definitely worth inclusion in OSVDB in my eyes. If we can't draw 
> the line today, we will be able to in a year or years from now. At some 
> point, the blur between computing device and household appliance will be 
> too hard to distinguish. Rather than waste too much time arguing that 
> line, why not put in a few now that are a bit primitive, but will surely 
> show historic value if nothing else.

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