[VIM] Vendor ack inquiry for DUware issues

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Fri Jun 24 05:00:54 EDT 2005

: I just sent an inquiry to http://www.duware.com/home/contact.asp to
: ask DUware about the various issues that have been released in recent
: months, including:
:   http://echo.or.id/adv/adv19-theday-2005.txt
:   http://www.digitalparadox.org/advisories/dup.txt
:   http://www.digitalparadox.org/advisories/duppro.txt
: Note that there is partial overlap between the ECHO_ADV_19$2005 advisory 
: and the digital paradox posts, although I haven't fully diagnosed it 
: yet.

I'm just getting to these for OSVDB and my first glance through suggests 
there is overlap. Hopefully I will get to them tonight or this weekend 
and have a concise list of vulns.

Why can't vendors just fix stuff faster! =)

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