[VIM] discuss: secunia footnote

Williams, James K James.Williams at ca.com
Mon Jun 6 21:11:53 EDT 2005

> I doubt very much that they do this in any meaningful manner. 
> I suspect it means more that they verify the report is 
> (somewhat) validated/verified, i.e., the product really 
> exists and the report seems "credible enough."  Very 
> misleading, if that's the case.

I've had to deal with this issue from several different 
perspectives recently.  Bottom line is that it is simply a 
matter of semantics.

Use very liberal and forgiving definitions of "validate" and
"verify", and remind yourself that the Marketing Dept 
probably has last say over what goes on a web site.

If I didn't validate and verify myself, then it hasn't been
done to my satisfaction.  And this is why Steve and I have 
always worked 140 hr weeks.


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