

Todays personoftheday is the "Brasillian Hackers" !

What a state of affairs.... millions of Brasillian skr1pt kiddies w00ting some shitty little website hosted on their homepatch.. bleh.

Here are some statistics for you "Brasillian hackers" who jack off over an NT box.

Okay - the yellow line is NT, the white is Linux... see the difference? NT is off the scale of lameness totally, get some fucking skill, retards.

Oh, but that is not all! Check this link for a list of all the .br servers hacked - ha, Brasil has the most defacements out of all the countries, and whats more, you get "Brasillian Hackers" rooting their own country... haha what respect.

Defaced by RuBiX of hackweiser... new kid on the block. Be warned.

Shouts to the rest of hackweiser.