- Flying Shoppe

Aviation Gifts

Book Catalog

You can never have enough coffee table books! This on-line database allows you to view basic information on approx. 400 titles ranging from museum guides and piloting books to parachute rigger's sourcebooks and ballooning technical manuals.

Mail Order Catalogs

This is a list of contact info for a variety of aviation related mail order catalogs with short descriptions of their products.

Classifieds * Advertising

For all those toys - great and small -
...have a look at our classifieds section!
Users offer anything from navigational instruments and planes to parachutes and hot air balloons!

Software Catalog
We have discontinued Software Sales At this time.

Looking for a cool flight simulator or the serious piloting programs? Have a look through over two hundred titles! Whether you buy through us or just do comparison shopping, this is an excellent resource of information!

Other Sources of Info:

The Aviation Yellow Pages

Not only do some of these pages explain the various product uses, advantages, etc. but they give you direct contact info to the manufacturers and publishers!

Other Resources (Links)

This page lists a world of other related servers. Please have a look under
"Commercial Servers / Services".

Aviation Magazines, Newspapers & Newsletters

This is a contact listing of approximately 100 magazines worldwide.
If time ever permits we will attempt to include brief descriptions of their content and focus.


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