PentaGuard.... Cause real hackers never die

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a new millenium owned by cyberterrorists, script kiddies, hackers, wanna-be-hackers, wanna-be-cyberterrorists, wanna-be-script-kiddies, etc...

We aren't any of them... We are PENTAGUARD

Hackers should exist without country, nation, relligion, right ? That's what I read in the hackers manifesto... if anyone can remember that old textfile... Hacking should be a way of gaining kwnoledge, a way of life, a way of having fun !!!... Yet, if I look at attrition's defacement mirror all I C is a political war between Muslims and Jews, Muslims and US, Muslims and everyone else, everyone else against the rest of the world, etc...

to: WFD, G-Force and the rest of Islamist hackers: if you want to make your voice heard, make a website... or two, or three, a web-forum, maybe a chat room or an irc-channel, send out emails to newspapers and the rest of the media, it's a much convenient way of speaking out... and it's legal too :)... Or if you can't stop defacing... DON'T FUCKIN POST YOUR DEFACEMENTS TO DEFACEMENT MIRRORS... If you deface a large website you have enough audience and don't need to tell us the same shit all over again (muslims got killed here... and there... and fuck the jews, bla bla bla). Damn ! Hacking should be fun !

Well, that's about the recent political defacements... But let's get back to the point:


With mostly the same crew, mostly the same style, but now with even more beer !
I don't know if we will "Rise and shine again" as my friends said... We don't have so much time... I'm damn lazy... and there are so many other things I should do...

I would like to dedicate this hack to my girlfriend, because she gaves me day by day that wonderfull reason to live... I love you baby !

Mad shoutz to: All of Pentaguard: [Light] - It'll be OK :), no_name - how many roots ? 17 :))), H3X0r - You're fuckin eleet, BM[Freak], beculetz, my girlfriend - you know I love you baby, _Tz - W33d p0wer !!!, and everyone who's keeping up the hacking scene... Oh, and thanks to, I know they don't like us... but we still luv them.
Defaced by Diablo ( - 2001