Would you trust a security company who cannot even secure themselves?

I am continually amazed by the amount of people who buy into this immature
and childish company. They use and abuse people, chew them up and spit them
out. Their Retina product is one of the biggest scams to hit the
industry. A poorly coded, slow piece of junk.
"Artificial Intelligence" .. what a crock of shit, the AI *cough* consists of
sending characters to a port and incrementing.

Big deal.

This doesn't constitute a $1200 - $3000 pricetag in my book. How these
guys managed to get venture capital boggles the mind.

Iris: originally a product named Spynet. Spynet sold for a relatively low
price, around $100. The eEye boys took the product, slapped a new
interface on and it now sells at $1700+. That's quite an increase. No
doubt the original programmer got a raw deal.

Marc Maiffret/Chameleon, the "Chief Hacking Officer" : A teenage kid with
a point-and-click skill level whose one claim to fame was defacing the
pentagon web site.. through an open windows share. He was subsequently
raided by the FBI after trying to exchange money given to him after
committing the deed. A self proclaimed "security expert" ..one look at any
of the work produced by this kid will definitely show you otherwise.
"CHAM" (Common Hacking Attack Methods).. oh, very clever.

Would you trust this glorified script kiddie and his band of merry men?

There is something wrong inside if you answered yes.

Do not support these bunch of idiots, they are whores in every respect and there
are far better products on the market.

Oh, and to the Retina users out there : you are not safe.

I think a recall may be in order Marc.
