Choose Windows. Choose the Millennium.
Choose engineering with a fucking mouse.
Choose IIS. Choose SQL Server.
Choose VB, IE, ASP, and a fucking big NT...
Choose SMB and end up wondering why your passwords are on that shitty site.
Choose not to choose. Let Micro$oft do it for you.

But why would I want to do a thing like that?

I choose not to be chosen: I choose something else.
The reasons? There are too many reasons.
And who needs reasons when you've got Linux?

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 Gr33tz:, pulhas, l0pht, ^CorvO^, Dr_deq, 
 coldgirl and 4ll fr13ndz 0f Br4zil!

"That vulnerability is completely theoretical."
                                 (Micr0soft), M4k1ng th3 th30r3t1c4l pr4ct1c4l s1nc3 Y2k.