.: Own3d by: Lord Choo3s of Silver Lords :.


ATTRITION SUX.. you know why?

Attrition.org is the most popular defaced mirror in the world, they have good "hackers' working on it, but what a lot of ppl don't know is that the attrition's employers are not like us, they are fucking mercenarys, they always help the webmaster of the site to find the logs, they also report the defacements to the FBI if you don't believe me ask them.. that's why I don't like Attrition.org... If you're looking for good defaced mirrors you have to visit www.haxordot.org (they will be up soon) and www.alldas.de 

my e-mail is: lordchoo3s@lordchoo3s.com 

Silver Lords are: Lord Choo3s - ScorpionKTX - Ioshua

Shoutz to: BSE(tasc, zer0, Lucipher), parag0n, sENsE, Data cha0s, GForge Pakistan, Rat, Zodica, The Pink Panther, SeNsE.... and to you.

Special Shouts to: (HISS) hacker.com.br obrigado por ajudarem a divulgar nosso trabalho através de seus artigos.
O ScorpionKTX mandou a msg pro HIIS pq ele confundiu o nome de vc6.. a gente não quis ser irônico pois adoramos o trabalho de vc6 e sabemos muito bem o Sistema Operacional e Servidor  que vc6 usam, sabemos que vc6 não usam IIS .

Fucks to: those who re-deface..., And A big fuck to Master Dan

Don't Forget to chat with us at dope.axenet.org #silverlords