SRA Systems Limited Chennai India is a 100 percent software company!!! Yeah right! Secure your own boxes first then try making softwares for your other clients. This shows the fact that Indian IT is a trivial joke...a mere hyped version of SHIT! Indian IT skills are just being hyped by their stupid media! The reasons that we targetted this site are that Indian IT is pathetic and SET KASHMIR FREE...PAKISTAN Zindabad! How many times do we PAKISTANIS have to show that IT in India is exceptionally THAKELI Hehe... as mentioned and proved earlier by GFORCE. Its DIWALI time so we wish all Indian politicians and their armed forces(pathetic even than their IT counterparts!) a very UNhappy DIWALI. This site was hacked to create GLOBAL AWARENESS in the world about KASHMIR where people are brutally murdered by Indian armed forces for nothing . FREE KASHMIR you IMBECILES!. Hand shakes to GFORCE PAKISTAN,DoctorNuker,Aniclator,ScorpionKTX all the Pakistanis all the *.pk and all the people whom i have forgottenand especially to those who support us in our work! Special thanx to ATTRITION,ALLDAS and company for their mirrors. PEACE@KASHMIR. Queries and emails to and PAKISTAN ZINDABAD(LONG LIVE PAKISTAN!)