- Multistate Tax Commission Owned -

                  Why re-deface ?
                   I usually don't, but this time i did it
                   to put a special msg for pimpshiz.

                  Small msg to Pimpshiz:
                   pimpshiz: This ain't an 0-day after all, right ? 8)
                   (no offense bud, i was just wondering.. you know).

                  Shouts To:
                   Tribunal, Herbless, Fux0r, nexus, Psaux,
                   Acid Blades, G-Force Pakistan, gov-boi, Ne[r0,
                   TheGrimPhreaker, InSaNiTy zInE corp., electr0n,
                   pr|est, dislexik, drumcode, Mor_PH_eus, x-s4nd3r,
                   F0kus, Zvyr, u4ia, {}, nohican, DarkSky, KeyDet89,
                   ScorpionKTX, zenomorph, doom, cr0w, pimpshiz, in0,
                   RSH, Hackweiser, Mystik, Wicked, SteeLe, Necrose,
                   phel0n, ytcracker and everyone else who thinks i'm a neat l33t0 guy 8p~~

                   E-mail: neonlenz@hushmail.com