Your website has been defaced by Neon-Lenz

Admin, nothing was damaged. I've only removed the logs. Your .html has been renamed to .ori, just rename it back. If you need help into fixing or protecting your webserver for future use, then e-mail me at

When i was footprinting this server, i came across a very good looking lady. She's called Angie Baraquio. And guess what ? She's Miss Hawaii !! Damn, that's why she looks so fine ! 8) But anyway i just wanted to say that you look great, and i will be supporting you. You gotta win the Miss America Pageant Title. Another thingie to the MHS-students, can one of you please e-mail me the results of Angie ? Cause i do NOT live in The United States, so i can't follow the Miss America shows....

Well anyway, tell me what you think her:

Shouts To: Tribunal, Herbless, Fux0r, nexus, Psaux, Acid Blades, G-Force Pakistan, Ne[r0, TheGrimPhreaker, InSaNiTy zInE corp., electr0n, pr|est, dislexik, drumcode, Mor_PH_eus, x-s4nd3r, F0kus, Zvyr, u4ia, {}, nohican, DarkSky, Dutch Hackers, KeyDet89, ScorpionKTX, zenomorph, doom, cr0w, pimpshiz, in0, RSH, Hackweiser, Mystik, Wicked, SteeLe, Necrose, phel0n, hax0rdot, alldas, packetstorm and everyone else that i forgot to mention.

Gerok and his message to MHS: Fuck MoHS Crime Stoppers [Tekst*One] !

Note: I am not responsible for Gerok's msg to the MHS.

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