Hacked By Neon-Lenz
Admin, nothing was deleted except for the logs. If you want more info about the
vulnerability and the fix, e-mail me at neonlenz@hushmail.com

Re-defacers, stop re-defacing. Re-defacing causes nothing but only a bad name to yourselves.
People who still re-deface will be flamed like the lamers they really are. (And well deserved !)

Hey Guys look what i have founded on the internet, a pic from a member of the Hitler Crew ! :

Greets to:
Tribunal, Herbless, Fux0r, G-Force Pakistan, nexus (the one who doesn't re-deface),
Ne[r0, electr0n, dislexik, pr|est , F0kus, Zyvr, TheGrimPhreaker and to everyone else
who hates re-defacers and the hitler crew. (Damn i really hate them!!!)

Enough bullshit now, signing off...
