Oh Fuck Yea

Everyone has there moments....but your stuck in yours<
oh me oh my

ok this time i think im gunna voice
something real for once...i thought
about it while i was in the shower
its about all this 'desegregation' stuff
in are schools and how its all bullshit

AAAAAHHAHAHHA*coff* *coff* *gag* sorry...

note to the admin:
I backed up your index.html to:

The reasoning:
ok here we go. this is about desegregation in the schools...and how its all bullshit
i goto school...and all i see is segregation...maybe the blacks and whites are together now
but what about social classes....there is always that popular group. you have to have money
or look cool, or just be accepted all together. one flaw and you are fucked. then there is the
others...either your popular and known...or your nobody but someone to your friends.
isnt this just what everyone was bitching about years ago?...the blacks not being accepted in
the whites social class. well i see the same thing just not racial as much anymore. well
in a since it is...because its also based around looks. you look cool...your cool....you look
uncool...your uncool....something the same?...your white...your cool....your black...your not
something very wrong here...but government and schools cover it with sugar and keep bring
up how 'oh are schools are desegregated now, blacks and whites are together as one' yea
maybe so but what about them cool and uncool people huh?...ah well cant end this on a shitty
note so here is some more funny shit from The Milk Man. ;)

I scream You Scream We All Scream....PUT ME ON THE FUCKING SHOUTS:
ravagrrl (love u so much), hell, zenomorph, p4ntera, syk0bitch, Starman_Jones, d3rf, d3t0x, JohnA,
phel0n, ka0x, B0OB, bighawk, Tyrone!!!!!! and kidmafia (no not the packetmonkey) all of hackweiser...TelcoNinjas...0x7f..that should do...
if i forgot you....sorry ;)

l33t talk time:
ok im done with this i cant fucking stand this shit....just look below for a funny comic strip or two or three or four


unf unf 000wwwnnneeddd

There will be porn next time....promise...

All done....