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[ more information about the holocaust and the nazi regimes.. | | | ]

The interpreter showed us one particularly ghastly picture--a depiction of a very, undernourished old man, dangling from a barbed-wire fence. This poor soul, according to the guide, had committed suicide by electrocuting himself on the fence. Just when I thought I had seen enough, I discovered something even more disquieting--pictures of children and more children, all wearing black and white striped uniforms and huddling piteously behind coils of cruel barbed-wire. Children, why children? What possible threat could mere kids have been? I stared in disbelief. Ron Bereznicki

Your Page has been defaced by Neon-Lenz

The Jew Crew
I wanna thank pr|est for letting me join The Jew Crew, i'll do my best to spread the word.
Big ShoutZ to my Jew Crew bro's: pr|est and dislexik.

To The Hitler Crew
We will continue with the jew crew attacks untill you guys stop with the stupid senseless defacements. What are you trying to achieve ? Grow up man, no one will like you. Heh you know what ? I'll be the one laughing when the feds who have busted your asses are black 8) If you really need the attention then goto the Bronx, with your "I Love Hitler and i am his cocksucker" t-shirt. Heh they will beat the "scheisse" out of you guys.

Send your e-mails to the following address :

/ Tribunal / Herbless / Fux0r / nexus / G-Force Pakistan / Ne[r0 / electr0n /
/ dislexik / pr|est / F0kus / Zyvr / Attrition / Alldas / Haxordot / u4ia / sleight /
/ Cisco / {} / Nohican / DarkSky / Dutch Hackers / Packetstorm / KeyDet89 /

 Proud to be a Jew Crew member.

The Jew Crew? [consists so far of, pr|est, dislexik, Neon-Lenz.. join us!]

Yeah, the jew crew is a merge of a couple of people who had enough of the hitler crew their sadness.. It's rather pathetic to praise a man that caused so much damage, entire families are still suffering about it.. This man, killed thousands, if not millions of innocent people on the most inhuman ways.. Think of gaschambers, where people got gassed to death, killed by "medical" experiments, etc.. This all because of their religion, race, sexual preferences.. In this "man's" eyes, he was creating a better world for the Germans..We should consider ourselves lucky that probably none of us was born already..
It kinda seems that the Hitler crew thinks the opposite of this.. I just dont have any words for this... All i can say is, sad sad people.. go get a life.. You wont get any fame with this.. All you'll get is hate... I'll be happy to see the feds busting your ass.. And put you in a gas chamber, to let you guys feel the same, as the people in the concentration camps did 60 years ago.. And by the way, at least Hitler dared to reveal his name and shout he was a nazi.. You guys dont even give out nicks.. I think that deep in your hearts you know, you are making no sense at all..

I want to say thanks for the people that support us, and want to spread the word of the jew crew...
If you want to join the jew crew, e-mail pr|est at