Its Time For A Change:

It's sickning what the scene has become, and it seems like its only going to get worse.

No "1 31337 c4us3 3y3 h4x0r3d 4 w3b p4g3", no "sh0ut 0utz" to impress the lamers, just a few words about how it really is and why.

For starters theres Eric Corley, aka Emmanuel Goldstein, who uses his magazine, radio show, and other mediums to further his own personal agenda under the guise of advancing the scene and gaining mainstream acceptance for hackers, when in reality he's just a burnt out ex hippie trying to relive the 60's and in the proccess setting us back, this pathetic loser needs to get a life, he's doing more harm than good, this guy is far from the hacker icon the newbies have been tricked into thinking he is.

Next is the media and general public who's misconceptions about hackers are further perpetuated by idiots "h4x0r1ng" goverment, military, large online companys and services, and other high profile sites as well as doing lame denial of service attacks for no purpose other than to bolster their ego and look "31337" for the other kiddies.

Then they'res the losers on irc who do nothing but sit around and engage in sad contests to see who's dick is bigger, not to mention the fact that they ignore or kickban anyone who asks an inteligent question, wants to learn, or voices an opinion that differs from theirs, getting off on the little bit of power they have as channel ops.

We as a society need to stop this self destructive path we're on and working on doing things to help the scene and those in it, i.e. runing services like web pages, ftp sites, bbs's, zines, irc channels, mailing lists, and other things dedicated to spreading up to date information people can use and helping those who want to learn instead of being egotistical stuck up jerks that only care about themselves.

It starts with the newbies, they need to be taught from the begining the rights and wrongs, myths and facts, as well as responsibilitys that come with calling yourself a hacker and or phreaker. For starters, carding is just theft plain and simple, virii and denial of service attacks as well as other destructive things are not hacking, pirating software and anarchy also have nothing to do with hacking and should not be grouped in with it. Hacking and/or phreaking for profit, revenge, or personal gain other than general knowledge is wrong, as is using your knowledge in a computer or telco security job whereas you help keep out and catch other hackers/phreakers.

Back to my personal attacks, groups like and specificly l0pht and cDc are nothing but media whore sellouts looking for attention, not to mention putting out programs that any skilless idiot can run and use on systems without the slightest idea of how the program works to get into the system, if you took away the program they wouldnt know shit because the've learned nothing, bypassing one of the most important tenants of being a hacker, gaining knowledge.

Well i hope my little tyraid has been enlightning, for those of you who will see fit to criticize my commentary, spelling, html, or anything else, think back any try to think of anything you've done to help the scene before you get on your high horse and put down what i've said.


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