w3lc0m3 t0 d4 ph34r n3t10n(&@^#%@&^$%@&^

J/K! Heh, I always thought that was funny. I remember the 4 man dream team (code zero) would quote that all the time. Hrmm, Where does the time go? Seems like yesterday I was learning what 'ps' did. I am in a weird mood.. blah!

People who know me know that I normally dont do this sort of thing. Its not my style. I am only dong this for 2 reasons. 1, to give shoutz to all who are important to me. 2, to inform the admin about the insecurity of this machine. So here goes..

Admin, umm.. Hi! The hole I used to get in is patched (Hint, GDM). I also killed your wu-ftpd (Dont know if it was vuln or not, but if it came from Washington U. It probably is vuln to something :p). Start wu-ftpd again at your own risk. Your index.html was backed up to index.fut0n. Email fut0n@mail.com if you have any questions.


To my woman "Char", Babe, I love you! I wouldnt be complete without you!
My daughter "Miss Moss", Hi mija!! Daddy loves you very very much baby!!

Twistah, you are a true friend! (remember FTH :P) Ill talk to you soon!
Spikeman, mtdew, you own me! Big shoutz to #bitbucket!!!!

Hackweiser! Sup fellaz. I know, I know. You want me to deface with you, but you know I dont deface (normally :P). Dont let others get you down, You guys all own!! Especially p4ntera, bighawk, Starman_jones, phel0n, sockopt, EvilClone (Debian > Slackware :p), dm3 and anyone I forgot (sorry)!!

Umm, I gues thats it.. Good night.

Oh ya, Admin.. This is a very nice machine. Dont corrupt it with redhat (Use Debian :P). Also, its not to smart to run a nameserver and a webserver on the same box (cause a badguy can do twice the damage). By the way, in your bonery.net.zone file, you misspelled your domain in the MX record :)

ignore my typo's, spelling, etc.. its 3am.
