fux0r Inc.

why hello there.. how are you today? did you know this website's been defaced by a fux0r that just wanted to say, hey... anyway its nothing personal, but you'll prolly thank me later, for bringing your attention to a flaw that was waiting anyway, not that i'm a hater. anyway hopefully you see, the indescrepencies in information security, and realise it's not necessarily your fault, but the conglomor4ts that fed you the shit that allowed this to happen. anyway educate yourself and you just might see, how this information security thing will bite you in the ass, unless standards are made by means of rfc. anyway i'm getting kind of tired and i'm needing some herbal refreshment so i'll quit with this little rant. anyway take heed to my words, and remember your attention is required, i know you dont want these little things being the reason your fired...
gun-ho since the placebo.:.obz@bigfoot.com


([_• fux0r Inc. •_])

greetings and salutations to: all those feelin us, jeoh, p0ss0m, neon-lenz, wyre, botk, orbit43, soulkeeper, herbless, godfather, pimpshiz, hackweiser, dhc, b0g, gforce pakistan, kkFxP, & everyone else nifty...

a big fux0r yew tew: hitler crew, go back to pigfucking or whatever it is you hillbilly's do...

/.fux0r supported links:
admin: nothing harmed in anyway, just bringing your attention to a flaw which allowed me to deface your website, might as well have been me, because i dont hurt anything. no grudges held, don't lose your buzz, all is well. if ya think about it i'm sure you'll see this probably could have been prevented, but who knows... anyway have a nice day, and remember fux0r luvs yew...
fux0r Inc. 2k • All Rights Withheld