Scurvy Was Here!

This site was owned by Scurvy.

The reason behind this defacement is because I have something to say. I don't like the way Geoffrey Cherrington, a special agent for the Defense Criminal Investigative Service compared Jonathan James' (aka c0mrade) hacking to theft. The direct quote came from the Miami Herald. The direct quote is, "'Just because a store doesn't have security cameras doesn't mean you can go in and steal something from that store,' Cherrington said." Ok. One thing, c0mrade never stole anything. He may have trespassed, and stumbled upon something he wasn't supposed to see, but he didn't take it. The way I read it, he didn't delete or remove anything, so he didn't steal anything. He went into an insecure government computer and had a look around. Big deal. At least he's an American. What if NASA had some secrets they didn't want to get out on that box, and some foreigner got into that insecure box and told his government about it? Then what? We'd be fucked, if it was important. A lesson to NASA's dumbass, fucking secure your boxes, bitches. Another thing about a comment c0mrade made was that you could log into some NASA computers with just a username and no password... now that's slack NASA. You are some lazy bastards that don't know what the fuck you're doing. C0mrade shouldn't be arrested, he should be praised that he found a hole in your gay boxen. NASA, you suck ass. Later.

Greets: Datagram, pimpshiz, doom, nemesystm, lokal, Kreator, sinfony, all of RSH, SteeLe, wicked, neme, apoc, piffy, GForce, bi0cide, gat0r, z, matic, hooyah, and whoever else I forgot.


E-mail me if you want.

I'm not in RSH, they don't love me or something. But I still love them all.