Ok, www.total.com TOTALLY owned - DarkSkyez


  In response to the high prices, and also the lack of fuel in the UK and France, the failure of refineries to
ensure deliveries are completed.
  Especially dedicated to z3r0, who is msging me right now complaining he can`t get petrol for his car

  DarkSkyez - `nuff said

  Some common vulnerability, people should learn to secure their systems....

	z3r0 - Fill `er up biatch!
	Tragedy/Dor - Nice rootkit
	MANIAC + rest of VHG - You rule!
	Lene marlin - Good music to hack to
	X-org - Destroyers of ircnet?
	BlackHand - Best crew on ircnet
	phreak.nl - Greets etc
	etC! - ditto
	mOs - Fuck India, etc!!
IF you wanna contact me... tcl_co@mailroom.com Is the
address to mail to, dont ask me to help you hack etc, such mails get deleted.

Ps: Blue is my favourite colour, and i dont like all the hacks with black backgrounds! too samey.