acidk|own smurfs the smurfs. unf.

"You don't know me, but you don't like me, you could care less how i feel, but how many of you that sit and judge me have walked the streets of Bakersfield?"......"You put a slave murderer on the one dollar bill and you wanna know why i kill PEOPLE??@?!"...

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saidth the Lord, which is, which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."

You think your life sucks? You think you've got it worse than the rest of the world? You think you are someone that needs special attention and care and all that other floppy bullshit in order to get the most out of your life? I'm sick of all these rich fucks msging me on irc from their 900mghertz computers with dvd, 21' monitors, 0d4y software they actually paid for, and all of these other addon necessities and whining to me that their life is worse than everyone elses. I have friends who live on the streets, friends who carry all there lifelong possessions in their fucking backpack. I have friends whose parents kicked them out when they were only 11 years old. You are trying to tell me that your life is terrible? You don't know whats terrible. The world is all about money, commerce, and value. No one cares about anything anymore except for some worthless piece of paper with some president's face on it. The world is a whore. It uses all its resources in order to kill the people that started off with nothing and die with nothing, while the people that were born into wealthiness gain more and more greed and profit. Life is not fucking fair. Fuck the world.

I rewind my time and live life again...
Start a new life, and divide my sin....
Broken hearted, i'm retarded within...
I find a new place with my two-faced friends.
I thought I could wait to die...just me and i...
but its too late to cry about why...emotional
lyrics are screwin with my brain...makin common
sense rinse a fence into insane...all the drama and
the trauma, and all the fucking pain...all these fucking
people...all their fucking games. -acidk|own

The smurfs are funny little creatures. They work so hard at building a little town day and night and night after day that only takes some kiddie fucker one second to ./step on it and ./kill *.* with his big toe. If the smurfs were smart they would use their magical powers to kill that bald-headed fucknut and his cat. I mean...what kind of evil villain has a fuckin cat as a sidekick? I mean...Inspector Faggot's arch-enemy had a cat as a sidekick pet but at least that cat had spikes around its collar. What i would like to see is a movie where fragglerock vs. the smurfs. That would own. This hack is dedicated to all the fucknuts that use WinSmurf. Much klown luv...

People i trust and b0w t0:

the fucking d0od0o krew (still tryin to get their shit together), xhostile, seksi (down wit the klown since day 1), chesh, tek` (a true juggal0c0r0c0r0), trumpet, -V, #suidrewt, spender, masteez, tnc, negrox, tekneeq, #darknet,,, hnn, packetstorm, #blacksun, rootworm, the old school smurfs that entertained me thru my childhood, hackweiser, g-force, that crazy nigga pimpshiz, and everyone else thats down wit the klown.

Fugjewz to: no one. just pure lub to all the smurfs, freaks, hackers, juggaloes, and true soul niggas.