hacked again ... lol

old index.php is index.hacked
r0cks 2000

Once upon a time in #php.de:

[14:18:46]  r0cks      have a look at it 
[14:19:07]  Jay|workS  hmmm 
[14:24:14]  r0cks      hehe 
[14:24:32]  r0cks      just mv index.hacked index.php 
[14:26:29]  Someonde   and what was the error this time? 
[14:27:04]  r0cks      my skills 
hehehehe gotcha, mr brieu frenchman...!!!
studying alot, huh?
but, how come you hafta use pico? no vi skills??? muahahaha :D
If you wanna leave a message go ahead and do it here, r0cks ;))

p.s. mhhhhhh

tcp        0      0 jayniz.de:ftp           anubis.grenet.fr:3004      CLOSE_WAIT
should i wonder? :)
yes i should, you screwed my netstat :)))
c'mon say something