fux0r Inc.

will do leeto pro graphics for aquired knowledge, and if someone just comes and says something like 'i'll teach you a sploit' you can save yourself the time and hear me tell you to go fuck yourself now, i mean actual useful shit... get my email off a future defacenent.


([_• fux0r Inc. •_])

greetings and salutations to: fux0r, zeroh0ur(your gonna love nyu), wyre, botk, orbit43, soulkeeper, herbless, tron, p.t.b., gforce, & everyone else nifty...

fuckzyouz to: the people who think the carnivore source code shouldnt be released... and definately those who are against the legalization of marijuana.

admin: nothing harmed in anyway, just bringing your attention to a flaw which allowed me to deface your website, so dont worry, be happy i'm not a complete asshole... ;oD
fux0r Inc. 2k • All Rights Withheld