krakr0k industries

Well, I dunno about you but I am certainly not willing to trust public accountants who can't even keep their website secure. Hey admin, you need to get security, bad. I didn't delete anything, I just renamed the old website index.old. So, just change that and you should be good to go again.
Well, I guess this time I will protest the hording of knowledge. So what if millions of script kiddies (me included) do bad stuff from time to time. Just because someone knows how to edit the kernel of a linux box or program in C doesn't make you any better than the next guy. So get over I am leeter than though attitude and pass on some of that information. ....end of rant
Shouts to herbless,, smoke, yorkie, ishtar, rawtaz, sniperkid, udar, monark,,, and everyone else that has supported me thus far.
Fuck you to CyrusDesigner, RIAA, JP of antionline, cjcool, and all the assholes out there who think they are better than everyone because they have Linux.
This hath been another defacing by antibi0sis and krakr0k industries.