fux0r Inc.

kind of ironic dont you think? lots of loss prevention... lol, anyways i just wanted to say a couple things. like what the fuck is up with the doc droppin thing, seems like its been happening more often lately for some reason. i for one dont why this sort of behavior isnt more hated by the community. in my mind theres no such reason for it except for maybe a few extreme circumstances. but either way, theres no reason to fuck up someones life like that for some stupid petty revenge or whatever. there is absolutely no fucking need to make our families suffer because their kid slipped up somewhere wanting to be a haxor kiddie. if they're that lame they'll get what they got coming sooner or later anyway. and i mean geez, ya think they're gonna forget that? better hope your handle doesnt slip at a conference or something and you end up in someones trunk. because we all know damn well theres a difference between what goes on here, and whats happens when we're not in front of that box your all staring at right now... i mean there should be some morals here. sheit... then say you quit this scene for whatever reason and someone decides to be a smartass and call your telling them your hobby of a past life, its fucking pathetic and deserving of a severe ass beating... too many scheming little bastards out there, i say those numbers need to lessen and people should start spittin some love... ok moving on, www.williamcooper.com go there... oh and admin, nothing was harmed. anyway that about does it for me i'm out-tie... utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant...


([_• fux0r Inc. •_])

greetings and salutations to: dar*(HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLAPNUT!!), fux0r, zeroh0ur(your gonna love nyu), wyre, botk, orbit43, soulkeeper, herbless, blodduh, c0m-bo, p.t.b., & and everyone else cool...

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