Ph34r My 3L1t3 Sk1LLz  ; ) .. just joking ..heh
Hey Admin, sorry but i rooted yer ass !
Don't u think a secure Box would be better ?
I mean, what would happen if a evil
cracker would see ya unsecured box
and delete all data ?
I made a backup of the old shit..
so remember, we r not the evil ones,
we just show what could be done !
I've just changed the index.html !

Gr33tinGz g03s 0ut t0 :

Da_v0id , RobBbot , LordLunatic , Freq , Mescon , SectorX , Koz , Derf- ,
^SpydeR^ , ^Karma` , Jw23 , iT_FReSH , V0LTAGE , Lam3r , ill-intent ,
Nurbs , NPC , Iceberg , KernelPanik and ReadError of .:23ES:. SneakyEyes ,
TheFirstLady , HFG (these guys rule), ADM , DoU , on - #ElectronicSouls ,
#Bios , #Secure , #Hackers , #Intersec , #Hacking

Lamers of the week :
#hack on ...come and see the script kids play =)

(C) BrainStorm 2000 [ElectronicSouls] - Open Minds, Open Source, Open Future !