Check out the pictures of atrocities.

It is high time to sort this issue out for the following reasons:

Over 50,000 Kashmir's have been killed since 1990.

Over 1,000 Indian army people have been killed since 1990.

Its time India lived up to its promises.

The whole of South Asia is unstable due to this problem, especially now that both India and Pakistan are

nuclear powers.

Two great nations namely Pakistan and India have to spend enormous amount of money on their armed

forces because of this problem.

When India and Pakistan takes 5 steps forward the Kashmir issue takes them back 6 steps.

There has never been a better time to sort this problem. The cold war has ended, we are at the dawn of the

21st century and the potential consequences of not sorting it out are two high to contemplate.


Pictures of Atrocities



Did we change your views? This is the real Kashmir, I'm sorry if you think these pictures are nasty, but these are the facts of Kashmir. Children like those get killed every day, they are made orphans, their mothers are raped, other women are raped and brutally killed, what is going on? Will some one stop Indian? This has been going on since more then 50 years, yes that's right fifty years, will this ever stop? United Nation also known as 'UN' is sitting their fat asses and doing nothing, We want fredom for kashmir and these atrocities to end,.

Neither Pakistan, India nor Kashmir will win in the war, especially if it goes nuclear.

Previous Work (Arhived here)


Greets to mOs, etC!, PHC, #darknet, #flem, #delusion XPERiENCE crew,,,, Tr1be Crew,, rest of #!GFORCE and Freedom fighters of Kashmir (the mujhaideens) oh and #lecole oh 

and, mad shouts to all freedom fighter in Kashmir and whom ever we've missed .hexa

laborites Inc., MAN|AC, Peacemaker, msgmen0t, aekpani, Rsnake, daces, cen, RR, symetrix, waiter,

root66, sysop, apathy13, antipent, BigPoppa, and who ever we've missed


I'm sorry if Our comments offended any one, We don't have any thing against any one,/country unless you're a Indian or are from India. Admin: sorry, nothing harmed, just logs deleted.


All suggestions and friendly comments welcome


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