The Ghost Busters rox your world in the 2k ... pung bishes


You have had the estimed privilage of being h4x0r3d by the Ghost Busters, courtesy of Smokey. You obviously are not elite enough to know who all the team members of the ghost busters are ... so I will tell you. Smokey ,myself, as the leader of the ghost busters hacks and does html which is obvious but I am sure you would have been lost without me telling you this. Paco, who hacks computers and sites for us as well as programing. Hades programs and hacks as well as many other mentionables, but you wouldn't understand what I would be talking about so I'm not going to waste my time. Unsakred who can do any and everything i.e. program and h4ck (same as before you wouldn't understand). Fizik programs, does html, and flash.

Note to site whatever you call yourself

Because you sure as hell are not an admin. This is a pitiful excuse for security but I will tell you more about that later. You know what? Its sad that some sixteen year old could get into your box and just erase your little NT box. That's pitiful ... you would think that someone would have told you somewhere along the way that running IIS was extremely ignorant at this time and day. Or did you think that weak little security system was to keep "the bad people" out? Well I'm sorry to tell you that it didn't even stand a chance no, no wait... I'm not sorry to tell you that. HAH. Thats got to hurt ouch! Well any way the best thing that you could do for this site is to STOP RUNNING IIS IMMEDIATELY and turn file sharing off. File sharing allows people such as myself(not quite as good as me though *<:oP ) to upload nice little pages such as this one (yet not quite as elite) onto your server. Just incase you are thinking to try to catch my ass don't i already eased your log files dont waste your time trying to find out who I am. Any way after that you will need to get some security, I will leave which one up to you but its not that hard to go to yahoo and type in 'security'. Anyway sorry about this but it could have been worse and you get a free lesson in site security from me.

The Rebellion

Ok its time to get rid of all these movies like the matrix. It was a great movie but it had nothing to do with a hacker and now we have kids runnig around saying that they are hackers but they have not even a clue as to what the hell hacking is. THIS IS WHAT HACKING IS THIS HTML HERE INSTEAD OF WHAT YOU WOULD NORMALLY SEE ON THIS PAGE. And in my opinion hacking should not be illegal. We hack because we can. Its like walking into a room (a NT box) and re-arranging the furniture(whatever is on the page) or hell why not bring in your own damn furniture. If you dont want us to re-arrange you room then you should lock the door(get security). It's totally naive to get angry at someone who "hacked" your web site. If you are going to get angry at someone you need to get angry at yourself for being stupid enough to let a sixteen year old deface your site. Shit, you should pay us to tell you how to fix your site. We could leave your ignorant asses out in the cold. And own your site forever. But we don't do we. I'm sure there is the occasional asshole who doesn't tell you what you need to do. But the main idea is get off of our backs with your lame little tv shows and everytime something goes wrong with your computer saying to your kid "someone has been messing with the computer, huh?". What, do you think that we would seriously waste our time with you some person, a random inkling of existance? Let me answer that one for you... HELL NO. Don't be so arogant. And it was probably your fault that something is wrong with your computer. So quit torturing you kids, its pointless they didn't do it(or if they did they didnt know it). Unless you make a point to try to crack down on hackers, like Janet Reno (we are going to get your ass sooner or later it will come just wait) and make yourself a target. Then that is your fault and you should be expecting it. LEGALIZE HACKING.

Greets go out to never, weed, yay, menace,and blackout.

Contact me

we are still looking for team members so if you can hack reach me at -
irc - smokey
e-mail -