Sup everyone, i'm a lil new at this shit...but i got all the help i can get from my good buddy Jak (Oh Shit Hacker jak is back...everyone run and fucking hide!!!!!!!!!) but anyways...Jak is the pimp...and you all need to know this.....oh and jak...thanx man...

Mad props go out to....umm
Jak, because you are like a big brother to me, and have helped me out with a lot of shit man...
edoc, because you are the biggest pimp, and umm like a another bigg bro to me....keep pimping it man
and anyone else i forgot...oh and.....

Admin : Jak and I had to have a little bit of fun now didn't we....oh and we are bored ;o/ you job man...get something on your system so i cant do this again... =)