Defaced by the DHC

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I got in and I defaced this site, and I can start about wanting to improve security, how my parents divorced and how that made messed me up, how I want to show off to my friends or how I want to change the world.

I can just leave this defacement as it is: with only one easy reason: fame. And to get fame I should make some strange statements, but I will not.

What I will say is this: think what you want, but this world is rotten. I like putting poetry on incredibly boring websites because it changes a really boring pattern we call life but is really just a pathetic state of boredom. Pathetic, because we don't see it ourselves. If I put poetry on a defacement, I figure, almost nobody will care, but maybe one, just one person will notice it and be minded likewise, and might be inspired to write his/her own poetry and maybe some person's day will become exciting because "Uncle John can talk about this evil hacker web defacement", and "Mark can show his friends what kind of elite stuff he sees" and "Deirdre has some cool poetry for philosophy class to discuss"

Again I say: this world is rotten. Where murderers get little punishment and electric criminals get a lot, where word and thought are manipulated by media, government and no name agencies that probably actually do the things we see in movies. And this place called "world" is where we live and breath and drink our brand name drinks, and eat our ultra genetically spliced and mutated, anti fat, extra crisp, high on vitamins and minerals food, while we watch Jerry Springer and aren't shocked anymore by the fact that a transvestite slept with two guys separately, and four women at the same time, and none of them know he's really a hermaphrodite that just wants a relationship with his dog. And even though we can't talk and we are zombies when we watch even less talented people keep on repeating "Whateva! Whateva!" we don't care and seem to be happy and don't notice that what was on Jerry Springer was so dumb that after thirty minutes we can't exactly say anymore who screwed "what".

Using three piece psychology I am a troubled youth. Did anyone ever care to notice the fact that we also say that when you reach the adolescent age we start to think about things? I guess nobody wants us to think and remember them of their ignorant, arrogant, completely dumb statements, thoughts and traditions.

And then our savior will return, long live Jesus Christ, with all it's followers, these "Christians" that don't even know the bible and didn't bother to read Revelations and notice that only a few thousand will survive the apocalypse and that God will kind of destroy most of the earth before our beautiful sinless Christ shows up on the earth to make it all better again in a valley by Jerusalem. Or is it just my version of the bible book Revelations?

In the mean time blacks, err. African American and other colored minorities and majorities fight for equal rights yet don't complain about positive discrimination and are appalled when a white wants a organization that mirrors BET or a local get together for a white minority in a area with a colored minority. Oops I can't say that, or I'm racist, or a fascist while all I want is to interact with people off all religions and color.

While I ponder about how to do this or that, my dad who has all the answers gets sent off to a war that no one remembers in two years but is important now because CNN bothered to send a television crew down there to capture the latest horrors to boost it's ratings when there is enough violence and crime in our own country.

Nobody learned anything from Columbine, insane people need not be provoked, insane people need attention. But when a couple of kids that get bugged all the time go out and kill their tormenters, the killers are the bad guys. Maybe words DO hurt? Or am I just a kid who doesn't know what his partners in age think and feel? And you see all the mothers who have murdered kids cry and complain, maybe they should have bothered to learn it things like caring and compassion. But no, they didn't do anything wrong, they just harassed them to death. literally.

We all see things are going wrong but are too lazy to change it, because that means work. Naww, you'd rather go to "work" and twiddle your thumbs and wonder why the company you work for needs to lay you off and you get a grudge for your boss just because you were a lazy ass, ever notice that the people who do something get to stay? And that is also the only reason you don't like violence on TV when your kids are awake because that means you have to like could it be? Change the channel or even yechh spend quality time with your family?

Not like you can make a difference now, if you have kids and read this, you're probably too late and you will just have to hope that your children will care enough about you to visit you when you're old and gray and you're so ugly that nobody wants to see you.

Thinking all this over you might get depressed, but that's ok, to divert attention, do what the president of the USA did: drop a couple of bombs and forget about it, the visitors to this site before you probably already have.

Hi Pyromaniac. :)


"I already know my life sucks, so you don't need to remind me"