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message from hax0r #1, j00r b0x has been 0wned bayb33. eye just wanted to say, that, i own joo! or something :)


message from hax0r #2:  fuck ph33r the scriptkiddie qu33rs. we are sick of your life stories. if your gonna deface, at least use some personality. god damn. you talk and mumble about shit on your defacements that noone gibs a flying shit about. YTC, my bro, don't let shit come between you and your goals. Much love to all..

 Message from hax0r #3: Bwhahaha We tag team, we 3ach do our part, AnD LOOX what endz Up HaPpAniNgs,
We 3nD up OwninG J00r 5it3! L3arn JooR SecuRiTy NexT timE!

w3rd to: Skream9, acidk|0wn, #r00tabega on efnet.Magic Cactus, Fluxrad, Dr.DeaTh, INS,  sniper-, darkangel, farph33r, Proksy, vince (suidrewt), ryan(suidrewt), ph33kc0re, JStalker, br00ke, b0b, #k-rad on undernet, #rewtedhaters on efnet.  xhostile, sk00lk, bansh33, nuTty, #phreak.nl,rootworm,keebluh elves, ytcracker

fuck yous: faith, ted, mike, digital larceny,The.Silent.One, phildo, sage-jfk :) #feed-the-goats, #ph33r-the-b33r, #nsync, #backstreetboys