Hacked by LordLunatic & BrainStorm [ElectronicSouls]
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Welcome to the World Server Network

Welcome to the Electronic Souls

Weed Smoker Netw0rk !

Why most websites don't take a shit on internet security ?
You've designed and developed a small or medium business or personal website. Perhaps you've spent a tidy sum doing it. Many have spent hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars. You've submitted to the search engines, promoted your site, designed your pages well, and you know your business or content matter better than anyone else. 
But someday 2 freaks looked at you'r site, and found a nice, good old security hole, that no other server has anymore..
So they start to explore this big, not secure, system.. soon they found a file called 'index.htm' 
Most site owners don't know about security holes, exploits or even know their system, what successfully promote their site for hackers, crackes on a scale that will ensure them maximum exposure and higher revenues. Here is where the Iplex can help you:

                    What is Iplex?

                     Iplex consists of over 5,500 local 
                     community and industry-specific corporations. 
                     We are organizing 2 billion pages 
                     of information, products, and services without any alliances with 
                     businesses, trade organizations, and individuals. 
                     Iplex currently maintains an extensive copyrighted unknowledge 
                     base of over 100,000 pages to assist you in 
                     getting the maximum hacks at your website.
                     We accomplish this through our Weed Smoker Network.

                      What is the Weed Smoker Network?

                     The Weed Smoker Network is an extensive 
                     system of to stoned client servers 
                     and remote hacking resources.
                     Small and medium websites will find it nearly 
                     unpossible to generate the traffic flow necessary to 
                     attract big-paying advertisers. 
                     Like many other non-quality client servers, 
                     here you benefit from the Iplex traffic equity. 
                     You can piggy back on our traffic and receive the problems
                     our security flow brings.
                     They can place a crew banner at your website if you like or not. 
                     We will share 100% of your personal data generated 
                     from your website with you. 
                     Because we teach our Clients "Free informations for every one!".
                     At a minimum of 20 visitors daily, 
                     our Clients should begin to get paranoid. 
                     By becoming an Associate or Affiliate, you can got fucked 
                     even more quickly plus a kick in the fat profit-ass as well.

                    What does it cost, and what do I get?

                     We challenge you to find no better deal on the
                     Internet for only your soul...muhahahahahahaha 

                     Our Client training consists of 1,000 pages of unsecure 
                     internet marketing tactics. 
                     This "knowledge base" contains detailed instructions
                     on how to successful hack you'r Web based business.

                     Our Sponsor/Marketers will help to blame your information,
                     products, and services. 
                     These people are Internet Marketing Wannabe's and 
                     have no knowledge on hiding you'r personal data from attackers !

                      (Please note: Adult or Spam sites are welcome.)

                      If this sounds like just what you need and you're really ready
                      to develop a much larger Internet presence
                      for your business site or personal site, then please: FUCK YOU ! 
                      (cuz if so, u better buy a book like "internet for dummies")

                      By the way, if u 'really' want to know, how to secure u'r website,
                      feel free to send us a mail to:

Sign Up Now With Our Unsecure Order Form

Or feel free to contact us for further information.

Greetings  :
FreqAzoid , iT_FReSH , GyR0 , Ultra_Violet ,
Mescon , DarkStrand , Senodyne , Hacktic , CyberX,
da_void , xnec , FLuX , RedBrick , N0de_B0ar , edGe ..
on dal.net : #ElectronicSouls , #Hackers , #Hacked ..and all others ;)

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©2000 - BrainStorm & LordLunatic [ElectronicSouls] 
All Rights Reversed.