
Defaced by Sabu...vulnarable script.

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Defaced by Sabu...vulnarable script.
Posted March 19 4:44 AM, by Sabu
Defaced by Sabu, hey admin...your news script is vulnarable, either change script's, or chmod your newspro config file, before some defacer with atleast half a brain will figure the exploit out and redeface you and everyone using the NewsPro script.

Professor Sonix, Rid aka the arabian camel raper, K@o$, Red, Senate, Edit, greenhell, Vex, eek, zenomorph and the missed Team Echo. also sup to jc, attrition.org, safemode.org, hack.co.za, and all those "l33t0 barito" defacers out there, step aside, the Puerto Rican Defacer has arrived.

Later, Sabu







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