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Good morning everyone, well at least its morning here where I am.  I hope you all are well in computer land.  I am feeling quite better, for now anyways, Thank you all for your concerns.

Hey, we do enjoying getting your mail, but please, do not ask us to hack this site and that site.  Thats the only thing that we really aren't appreciative of.  But please don't stop sending us mail either, we do like to hear your comments and such, even if it is hate mail ::boo hiss boo hiss:: he he he

Shouts:   Bansh33, Dukj, Zenomorph, Analognet, himi, Sys-Edit, Sh00tr, Nocx, Angel, Dragon, Fuck Shit Up, BusDr1v3r, Bo$$, The Black Priest, Cybrsoul, Digital Domination, Political Genocide and Slash.

Special shouts:   virtual grope and to Solaar again, keep the mail comming hun and maybe ill add you to the permant list......

Quote of the day: How much cock, could a cocksucker suck, if a cocksucker could suck cock???

Comments,questions, concerns, fan mail and/or hate mail: