Bedeteca of Lisbon is the only place in Portugal which is permanently devoted to comics.

Profiting from the estate of periodic publications, accumulated from the hemeroteca’s legal deposit, Lisbon’s City Hall made it available, since the 23rd of April 1996, in a Library of free admittance, dedicated to spread, study and promote the comics in Contador-mor Palace.

But it is not just a question of dedicating a space to the 9th art, but of creating a multimedia cultural center dedicated to the questions of image and reading, placed in a spot as attractive as needed of such services as is Bairro dos Olivais, in the oriental area of the city

From Tuesday to Saturday, since 10 am till 19 pm – Free admittance

Contador-mor Palace
R. Cidade do Lobito
1800 Lisbon
Tel 351. 1. 8536676
Fax 351. 1. 8532168

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