p4riah was here

This hack is meant for people to learn and be aware of security...nothing else..Security is very important fact. During this hack I didnt destroy any data and I fix your security problem (if possible). I leave you your original page (original.htm) and take main page for my messages, so dont get mad at me, just think about your security next time.....

message: dohh...i dont belive this. ne0h was here long time ago, and you didnt listen enough. Now your site is compromised again. You are lucky cause i didnt hack all your hosted sites. Why? cause I'm not malicious hacker

some shit here: Team spl0it is back. F0rpaxe is back. Keebler is back. Looks like christmas time gonna be hot ;)



This ppl & groups get some respect from me: v00d00(damn h4x0r ;), sarin (kicking the government :), YTcracker, r.f.p. (your script kick ass, but in other way ;), wrLiner, kryptek, Kalyan(greetings), Pakistan HC, gH (r.i.p :) keebler elves, F0rpaxe, Bl0w Team, Team spl0it, all Attrition stuff (they deserve realy big respect cause they work realy big non-profite job ;) and some of Croatian hackers (ppl you know who you are)- contact at p4riah@mail.com