h4x0r3d by busdr1v3r and bansh33

Welcome, one and all, to post-hack Atlasshrugged.com

Allright...the admin of this box is brain damaged (just to set the stage). Get some security. You suck.

"gr33tz & sh0utz": bansh33, for majorly helping me out lately. PsychoSurfer, {EW}, Centauri, Blade, Azrael, Griffon, Overlord, acidk|0wn, mosthated, DioxidE, SunDevil, Jarmaug, Om3g4, Analognet,and all members of digital prototype.

"sh0utz to the following organizations: attrition.org, Siegesoft, HackerNewsNetwork, l0pht.com, rootshell.org, cyberarmy, #zebulun.

"phux": Frontpage, Microsoft, [mp] (cause you think you are just so damn k-rad, you leeto=loser),  Pakistan (Kashmir belongs to India, lamerz... get over it), JP of antionline.com

That covers it.  I hope you have enjoyed viewing the new website, completely redone by busdr1v3r & bansh33.  I also hope that this hack was not in vain, and that some of you fools with no security will stop using frontpage... it's worthless.

Want your pre-hack site? Click here. (old index.html backed up as lame.html)