Hacked by the DHC

mail us at dhcorp1@hotmail.com no tutoring, sorry.

Oh, and admin, mail me and I'll tell you how I did it.

Now for the fun stuff. This got hacked coz I  (Nemesystm, leader of the DHC) felt like finding a vulnerable server to voice my opinion, and to tell a little about the DHC.

The DHC is a newly formed group who believe in using their own exploits, tricks and programs instead of being a lame script kiddie. We like finding new information and new tricks. We like fries, hot dogs and beating up old people ;-) just like everyone else. The End.

The members are in order of the time they joined: Nemesystm, (leader, this site's hacker)

Trinity (A great hacker.)
©Ę$4R (Our anarchist.)
G00n (Good member.)
Polyphemus (Ditto.)
§lash „ (Our UK Phreaker.)

Now the greets to everyone: Hi Underground Havock, 7th Mafia, Megan, all the other girlies in Canada, my school (I'll see YOU tomorrow...). Oh, and anyone who will greet me in their next hack, (tell me at dhcorp1@hotmail.com) will also be greeted next time I hack something.

Now the anti-greets, usually dispensed by my partner in crime Trinity but today by me: Antionline, Carolyn Meinel, Sinx. (Sorry I'm not buying your: I ported Netbus to the Mac story. Netbus is lame anyways.)

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