Here's Johnny!

Hello all. Well, HiP was talking about me, so I thought I'd let you all know that I do exist.. (No, HiP isn't quite crazy enough to make up people). hehehe... Anyways, you all know me, a lot of you greet me, but some reasons I needed to change identity's, sorry folks! It's not a secret who I used to be, but I'm not going to tell you in a defacement (Other places... sure, but not HTML). So here is me, your mission.. Should you choose to accept it.. Is to dig up who I am, and contact me over E-Mail, demasking me. Well sorta. Anyways, this was just to prove that I do exist. Oh, and by the way, if you could stop greeting the old me, I'd appreciate it. Sorry people, I needed to do this, I feel like I'm turning my back on you, but I'm still alive, I'm just not the usual me. The layout of this page gives you a lot of hints.

To Peter, sorry about this dude, I hope you don't lose a job, the lack of security in your page has nothing to do with your Architectural skill. To the company that is looking at this, if you are looking at this, please forgive me. I must have done this at the wrong time. Your index.htm is now, index2.htm, no harm done I hope... If there's anything wrong, (other than the hack) e-mail me, and I'll see what I can do... Sorry once again.

/* and a friendly wave to the following */
v00d00 / Mozy
HFD / keebler
AntiChrist / Forpaxe
CPW / kl0wn
uneek / FL3M
NYS / bl0w
DiSo / orpheuz
Pakistan HC / M.A.M.E
HiP / FreeJack
syxx / neeper
dr_fdisk^ / ne0h
Cyrus / MagicFX
optiklenz / Zyklon
Flipxx / BlacKDetH
lyp0x / Xessor
sarin / sQ
p0gO / Anthrax01
pulsewidth / gH
o3 / WDBY97 / exode
All you other people, you
know who you are.. I'm cool
with everyone.

cynic /
"Lack Roh-me-oh an' Jew-lee-eht..
Hawt secks awna plahtta juhst ta getchew weht"