This Page is Corn-Pone Enhanced 
Call days 912-377-0315 or Evenings 912-377-1952
UPLOAD FILES:  Our users can upload files (& home pages) to the server.
Since Max obviously has no clue as to how to set up a Web server, he'll have to have you e-mail him, and then manually unzip the damn file.  Scary as hell when some dumbass redneck in Jooooja attempts to run a Web server.  Did you know he had the entire...and I do mean ENTIRE...server set up as shared?  Over the Internet, no less!  Jesus H. Fucking Christ!  And FULL ACCESS to the NT default guest account with NO PASSWORD.  Only a complete MORON would do something so fucking stupid.  NT is bad enough, but did you people know he had your credit and checking info on here?  Don't worry, it's been deleted.  However, you're all going to have to change your passwords.  He had it in a \usr directory.  Dumbfuck.
I mean, it's obvious that you're an  inbred KKK wannabe, Max, with absolutely no ability to set up a server, and yet, one would hope that you would strive to attain more with your life.  Read Bugtraq, NT Bugtraq, and get a real server.  Sigh.  I just don't know why I even bother.
However, there is hope for our boy Max.  It seems that he has a taste for Pr0n (not misspelled.  Hackers are supposed to spell things this way) and he might just be a little limp around the wrist.  Lookie what I found hidden in his c:\temp3 directory.

This section open for Community Announcements. Contact OnLine at 912/377-0315.
Masonic Lodge Members For Rent: SM, BD, Water Sports  etc.
call Lloyd Baldwin at 377-6399
MULE DAY: You must fucking be joking.  Mule day?
RATTLE SNAKE ROUNDUP: Whigham, Ga. on the last Saturday of January. Lots of arts, crafts, and SNAKES.
(Max likes snakes)
Antique Car Rally: Pitiful.  Truly pitiful.
Well, since I'm supposed to, I suppose I should do some so-called Shout-Outz:
Hamstuh, Demoniz, Dutch Threat, Attrition, L0pht (I know you won't approve, but, it was too tempting)
Gentle "Fuck You's" to: JP of Antionline, Brad of Antionline, JP's slovenly sister, and of course, the Crack Whore, who taught me how to hax0r.  .

Let us know what you think. Contact us at 
Copyright 1999, Offline Cairo, Ga.(912)377-0315 Last Modified: August 2, 1999