Defaced by The AntiChrist


Well guys one more Indian site defaced. What's the point you might ask. Its a bit like smoking. Nobody knows why they get tempted to keep smoking, i mean its not like alcohol in the sense you dont get intoxicated except for a mild detached feeling. You kinda like to see the smoke leave your mouth.

Defacements are like that. the more you do, the more you want to do and finally you cant stop. So you keep defacing sites till you get busted. i strted hacking sites for monisha but now she finds a lonely place in the tile bar of my html jus for ol time's sake.

So as to what happens when you get busted well you can spend a long time thinkin abt all this stuff in a nice little jail(gaol) cell.

Am i scared? Not really. in india hacking laws dont really exist else a few of use would have been in prison now. Well bye and thanks again to good old v00d00 for givin me this new html style. Hope everybody likes it.