This is a warning to the dealers at

Bob Howard Nissan!

IF you do not deliver my

- 1999 Nissan Skyline -

by July 1st, I will hax0r every car in your car lot.

The required color is pictured below:

Aint she a 'beaute?

This is NOT a joke...




Oh is...





Ok, now to the serious stuff...

Im not the one to judge, but is just another teen chat...yes, another #teenchat..., they are not a "group" or anything for that matter...example below:

<blahpoo> HEY! HO! LETS GO!
<Low^Ryda> aight
<Low^Ryda> do u have the root set up?
<Low^Ryda> damn I keep typing in channel
<blahpoo> like
<blahpoo> someone op me
<blahpoo> please
<Wisteria> who are you?
<blahpoo> aero
* Wisteria looks around
* diabolic- colors shauna purple

*** Retinyl ( has joined
* Wisteria shakes her head
<Wisteria> yer so god damn racist michelle
*** pablo0 (pablo@ has joined
<diabolic-> :p
* Wisteria shakes her head again
* Wisteria looks at icq

<puddy`tat> mmm
*** Malik-X has quit IRC (punk out)
<Wisteria> punk out...
*** puddy`tat has quit IRC (fuggemall)
<Wisteria> my knuckles feel loose
*** CaliGirl` sets mode: +o Retinyl
<Retinyl> thanks =)
*** CaliGirl` sets mode: +o pablo0
*** Retinyl sets mode: +o blahpoo

<CaliGirl`> ya
*** munker (pablo@ has joined
*** CaliGirl` sets mode: +o munker

<CaliGirl`> hmm
<CaliGirl`> danny
*** JCool has quit IRC (EOF of client)

Whee! What fun! This is the stuff that makes me want to just forget IRC...yep, thats the stuff. Those people need to grow up.

Did you see how much fun they were having?? And you wouldnt beleive how little it took me to get that little part of their talking...a fucking 15 minutes...can you say #idle?

Oh well, times change, since their server was taken down, and magic has dissappeard (hint, hint, fbi), the "group" has gone for the worse...


I choose to be Anonymous, since i did visit that channel for a while, but i just had to get the message out, heh, yeah, the message...



#@$%^_-}> PsYcHiC-SuCkS <{-_^%$@#



Peace out mah yellow niggerzzz...