Well I know hacking is not about changing and defacing a site. Some people can say what I did was wrong or the act of a Skipt Kiddie and they are entitled to their opinion. I just
want to let you know that no harm was caused by this breach of security. I only did this
to bring the flaws to the attention of the web master. I would Like to just say Sorry guys
but I am sure if I would have come to you and told you that you had hole you would have
told me to prove it. Well this is just a way of showing you that you had a bug. I used a
simple exploit that has been around for awhile to get in. I would suggest that you go to
cert and do some research on SunOS and patch it up. Your page has been saved here
all you need to do is rename it back to index.html

NOW FOR SOME SHOUTZ: Mad Propz to Acid Warp and the members of TH3
you guys are my IDOLS keep it up guys, Propz to Webfringe for providing me with the
most kick ass hacking sites on the net, Propz to the Ken at Packet Storm for providing
the best archives on the net, Propz to the people at Parse man you show is the shit and
more people need to watch it, Propz to the people at cDc just cause I think you guys are
cool. Propz to EHAP you guys have a good cause dont ever give it up. Person Propz to
Acid Warp man you are the shit thanks for taking time out to answer my questions, Propz
to Silicon Toad if it wasnt for you and the Infinite Void I would have never started hacking
or phreaking, Propz to 2600 you guys are the shit even though the meetings are starting to
go to shit from what they used to be, Propz to Spikeman for one Kick Ass DOS site I am
glad to see someone is out to bring the how to prevent instead of just the how to fuck.

NOW FOR SOME FUCK YOUZ: Fuck JP from AntiOnline you know you got 0wn3d
just live with it, Fuck Hamster from #HackPhreak you are a little Skript Kiddie Never did
like you and never will, Fuck the people at EHA you guys make me sick coping the layout
from UHA and Stealing the content from TH3, Fuck the people from Confine.com you
guys are the bigest lamers of all running and telling on Acid Warp because he banned one
of you from his message board, Fuck all the other people out there that call us lamers
instead of trying to point us in the right direction you guys need to be more Like Acid
Warp and the guys at TH3.

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