
Protesting Western media directing the mass poplulation into a wrong way


Excerpts from online articles


Are people really equal? Thanks to the American media, the three captured American solders must be much more respected than the 3 Chinese who died in the war. The American media plays footage of these 3 American soliders speaking to their family over and over, but they never bother to mention the names of the 3 Chinese, as if the blood of these Chinese would pollute their noble mouths. The three American soldiers could at least speak to their families, but the Chinese's deaths worth only a few meaningless apologies. "Oh I'm sorry, we killed the wrong guy. We apologize. But it's your fault to be there." It's us Chinese who should apologize. We are the bad guys, again.


I always wonder who is the criminal and who the victim. Say for example, a man with a lot of power killed someone. But because he has a lot of power, the victims family could not win on the court but only cry every day. But they are the bad guys, because the powerful man often hears the crying, plus he's afraid of the ghost of the dead, it really bothers him, so he cannot sleep well at night. So he sued the family of the dead man because what they did bothered him. Therefore, sometimes being sad is not a natural right. It depends on who you're against. I heard that our sadness has made Americans very unhappy. The media kept playing the sound of the people in the US embassy, who were bothered by our mourning. They ARE so poor. So in the American logic, they should be suing us now. Yes, you may mourn, but you're not supposed to let me hear it. If you did, you've violated my human right. And hey, that's the right God gave us, the most holy, unviolatable right. I can't help wondering why the Americans always have so many rights, why not share a little with the 3 Chinese corpses.


Similar two protests--- the one in 1989 was a voluntary and rightful protest, but the one in 1999 now is a conspiracy under the secret command of the Chinese government. In American TV, the protestors are all scary rioters. But I can tell you something: The students after these 10 years, are better than the students 10 years before on average. You can condemn that the Chinese goverment is using their people to put political pressure on you. But, if our rage, used by the government, has really put any pressure on you, I will feel enormously rejoiced. Our protest today is much milder than the 1989 one, but since it's against you, it's called riot. Of course, your bombing does not qualify to be called riot. You have a good name for it: a tragical mistake, or a mistake by outdated map, or a mistake by some near-sighted guy who looked into the wrong place, or let's just say it's our Chinese's mistake. It's our mistake to build the embassy at the wrong place. We strongly strongly apologize for our mistake, and for our protests.


If you want me to trust the justice of the Western media, rather let me believe Monica Lewinsky is still a virgin. Maybe Lewinsky wouldn't be too hapy with this analogy, but it's questionable
whether the Western media have ever had any justice. I respect her effort to make herself look
like a virgin, but I respect more the ability of the Western media to make anyone look like a
virgin. Just go smoke your cigars, so-called free and fair Wester media. At the deaths of 3
Chinese people, where is your justice? What you see is dirty dresses, and the threat from the
rising Red China. You cannot see the bombed bus full of people, nor the tears of the Chinese
families. I can smell blood from the shining justice. And you claim it smells good. or maybe
there's something wrong with my nose.


China has a lot of scars in its history, but the criminals rarely had the courage to admit. A
Japanese and a German can testify in a lawsuit against what the Japanese did in NanKing Massacre, just because they're "better" races, so their diaries even worths more than the actual more than 300,000 dead bodies. We don't need to worry if the Japanese soldier won the suit, nor do we need to be moved by the German's sense of justice. With or without them, the massacre of more than 300,000 Chinese people in NanKin is a non-erasable fact. Those buried dead bodies already said it all. Do we even need an American to testify for us? Our embassy stood there, and now it has another look. Isn't that just enough to say everything? We are proud of ourselves, and we can testify for ourselves. The Japanese did something wrong to us, and now it's the Americans.


US Army sent 7 soldiers to save one private Ryan, only because the Army's top felt sorry for
Ryan's mother. Americans claim this bombing is a mistake, because they never felt the existence of Chinese mothers. Their missles was the first wave bombing on us, and their shameless words bombed our Chinese hearts afterwards.


Let's make a few things clear:


NATO bombed the Chinese embassy on purpose, but the Western media kept sending oen message to the people: "Mistakenly bombed". And they are even trying to turn the fact upside-down, saying that we Chinese are attacking U.S. embassies.


Our protests are absolutely voluntary, but the shameless Western media keep saying that the
protests are planned and encouraged by the government. They make me so disgusted. Their only
evidence is that the students went to the embassies by buses. As a matter of fact, only a small
percentage of the students took bus to the embassies. Besides, are they saying that only the
Chinese government can own buses? That is so---- I cannot stand it. Actually, the government not only never "organized" any protest, but also, in a way, restrained the protest. Or else what the U.S. embassies had now would not be just broken windows. The government, in fact, secured U.S. embassies.


Is it safe to travel to China now? Don't take my words. Simply ask people who are taking a tour in China right now. The reason somebody broadcasted the rumors that it's unsafe to travel in China is because they hate China and want to destroy the positive image of China in every possible way.


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